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Duque de Caxias - Rio de Janeiro

The Rio de Janeiro R2 IBF Plant is in ANVISA’s marketing authorization application phase and will begin its routine production in 2019.


The Fluesocil® (fludesoxyglucose (18 F)) manufactured by R2 IBF is a radiopharmaceutical used in Positron Emission Tomography (PET-CT), in nuclear medicine, with applications in cardiology, neurology, and especially in oncology. The use of FDG (18 F) in PET-CT studies is especially important because it allows a metabolic evaluation related to the body's glucose consumption, which gives it a prominent role in the diagnosis and staging of the tumor, as well as in the early evaluation of efficacy of the therapeutic protocols adopted in patients with certain types of cancer. Studies indicate that after 18F-FDG PET-CT procedures, the therapeutic approach is changed in approximately 30% of cases. This represents a very important gain in healing expectancy, quality of life, time and cost of treatment.


Our mission

We work to providing exceptional outcomes to our customers and their patients.



To develop, manufacture and supply high quality radiopharmaceutical products to our customers.

Always support the growth of nuclear medicine in Brazil, offering new products with excellence.


Ethics & Responsibility

We respect our partners and our customers.

We understand its importance in the present and future of our company.

We have responsibility with our collaborators, our community, our country; therefore, we work with a focus on ethics and commitment to the development of the people and the environment in which we are inserted.



Duque de Caxias - Rio de Janeiro


fludesoxyglucose (18 F)

Presentation: Shielded packaging containing 01 multidose vial

Pharmaceutical Form: Sterile Solution

Route of administration: Intravenous

Composition: Each radiopharmaceutical vial contains:

Fludesoxyglucose (18 F) …………… 10mCi

Excipients: 0.9% sodium chloride and water for injection.

Physical half-life: 109.7 minutes

Indications: Positron Emission Tomography (PET and PET-CT) imaging diagnosis for oncological, brain and cardiac studies.


Duque de Caxias - Rio de Janeiro


fludesoxyglucose (18 F)

Presentation: Shielded packaging containing 01 multidose vial

Pharmaceutical Form: Sterile Solution

Route of administration: Intravenous

Composition: Each radiopharmaceutical vial contains:

Fludesoxyglucose (18 F) …………… 10mCi

Excipients: 0.9% sodium chloride and water for injection.

Physical half-life: 109.7 minutes

Indications: Positron Emission Tomography (PET and PET-CT) imaging diagnosis for oncological, brain and cardiac studies.



Duque de Caxias - Rio de Janeiro


The plant features a GE PET trace 16.5 MeV (cyclotron) particle accelerator used for the production of short half-life radioisotopes, of which fluorine-18 is used for the production of the FDG (18F) radiopharmaceutical.


GE's FASTlab2 new synthesis modules, responsible for producing the FDG (18F) radiopharmaceutical, can perform up to two syntheses without any intervention, in an entire automated process and yield up to 70%. The R2 IBF of Rio de Janeiro has two of these modules, which guarantees up to two syntheses per day, allowing continuous production with high performance and reliability.



Duque de Caxias - Rio de Janeiro


Established in August 2019, R2 IBF focuses on developing, producing and supplying quality radiopharmaceuticals to our customers and supporting the growth of nuclear medicine in Brazil. For this we have three production plants, strategically located in the cities of Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul), Curitiba (Parana) and Sao Jose do Rio Preto (Sao Paulo) and, soon, we will start the routine production of the most modern radiopharmaceutical plant in Brazil, in Duque de Caxias (Rio de Janeiro). Together, the plants result in an excellent production capacity, about 50Ci of FDG per fludesoxyglucose (18 F) radiopharmaceutical production batch. This structure gives our customers and partners greater peace of mind and security in the daily receiving of the drug by establishing safer and more efficient logistics, as well as the back-up supply system required during preventive and corrective maintenance periods.


Still, in a pioneering way, the R2 IBF became the first private company in the Brazilian industry to form a group of research, development and innovation for new radiopharmaceuticals, thereby hope to soon increase its portfolio with new radiopharmaceuticals, including:

18F-PSMA-1007: for prostate cancer diagnosis - tumor localization in recurrent prostate cancer; initial staging in patients with high-risk prostate cancer before surgical planning or radiotherapy; PSMA PET-guided biopsy after a negative biopsy; monitoring of systemic treatment in metastatic prostate cancer.


18F-Flutemetamol: used for PET imaging to assess the density of β-amyloid plaques in the cerebral parenchyma of patients with cognitive decline, whether suspected of dementia due to Alzheimer's disease or other suspected dementias.


We understand that our customers and partners are very important for our development, so we work with focus on ethics and commitment to the development of people and the environment in which we operate.

Certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

ANVISA Marketing Authorization

Authorization to operate (CNEN)

Autorização para Operação CNEN

Operating License

Duque de Caxias - Rio de Janeiro

Thanks for the submission!

Rua Capitão Guynamer SN    QD 18    Lote 1A    
Xerém    Duque de Caxias - RJ    CEP 25250-615
Tel. +55 11 99692 2203
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